以加拿大教育强省BC(British Columbia)课程理念为依托,结合中国教育自身特点,专为中国中小学生设计的英语课程。所有精品课程以知道(Know)、理解(Understand)和应用(Do)的认知循环为教学和学习目标,旨在全面培养学生的交际能力(Communication)、创新性思维(CreativeThinking)、批判性思维(CriticalThinking)、积极的个人和文化认同(Positive Personal & Cultural Identity)、个人意识和责任(Personal Awareness & Responsibility)以及社会责任(Social Responsibility)

Based on the Canadian province of British Columbia’s (BC) curriculum, our curriculum is customized for English Second Language Learners. All the courses are built upon the Know-Understand-Do cognitive circle and are aimed to develop students’ abilities in communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, positive personal and cultural identity, personal awareness and responsibilities, and social responsibility.



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