Creative Writing 创造性写作课 (已结课/session over)
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       This course is designed and individualized upon students’ age, pre-assessment, and English Language Learning Standard of BC. From the beginning stage which will focus on imitation, through writing tutorials, and in-class practice, students’ writing knowledge and skills go through the stages of developing, expanding and consolidating. Eventually they will be able to reach the phase of bridging which means they are capable of studying in the mainstream English classrooms with native English-speaking peers. We use portfolio assessment to track students’ progress and provide timely feedback for parents and students.

根据学生年龄和课前了解进行个性化教学。以BC省ELL(English Language Learning)为基准,从以仿写为主的初学(Beginning)阶段开始、通过一对一写作辅导和写作修改,将写作知识和技能通过发展(Developing)、拓展(Expanding)和巩固(consolidating),最终实现完全融入英语主流课堂的迁移(Bridging)。该课程通过档案式评估(Portfolio Assessment)的方法,全程跟踪学生学习进展并及时向家长和学生进行反馈。


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非常好用,女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。商家回复:女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。 2015-07-08


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