Guided Reading Class 陪伴阅读课 (Spring 2020)
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Time: April 3rd, 2020-June 27, 2020

Instructor: Jenny

           In this free guided reading class, we seek to break the lack of solid listening and reading input as students learn English as a second language. In targeting listening and reading, we also make it easier for these students to write and speak (output component). We believe reading input is vital for enhancing student’' comprehensive English proficiency. In this reading class, a list of excellent English reading materials will be recommended to our students. All the books are from the top passages for BC students (recommended by BC Teachers’ Federation). The step-by-step course will start with book reading with tutors, followed with suggestions for reading methods. Then, the tutor will give students tips as they build up students' independent reading habit. In this peer-accompany reading course, students will experience the fun of English reading, improve their vocabulary and reading skills, and eventually lay a solid foundation in listening, speaking and writing abilities.

       “哑巴英语”的根本原因是没有足够的语言能力输入(听和读的能力),因此语言输出能力(说和写的能力)无法快速提高。语言四项能力中尤以阅读能力最为关键。陪伴阅读课程为学生推荐适合其水平的优质英语读物。所用文章选自加拿大BC (British Columbia)省教师协会为提高学生交际和创新思维能力倾力推荐书单。阅读课采用循序渐进的方式,先由辅导老师全程陪伴阅读,培养孩子阅读兴趣和习惯;根据老师讲授的阅读方法,逐渐采用部分陪读的方式,培养学生独立阅读的能力。所有图书内容丰富有趣,而且还有小伙伴的陪伴。孩子们在体验阅读乐趣的同时,在不知不觉间快速提升英语词汇量和阅读能力,从而为听、说和写的能力打下坚实基础。


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非常好用,女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。商家回复:女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。 2015-07-08


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