FUN English (FREE)
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Instructor: Jenny

FUN English is a class taught towards students in China, providing them with an opportunity to learn English pronunciation. This class is taught in Mandarin to aid Chinese-speaking beginners in having a better grasp of English as they begin their learning journey. After a few classes, we will transition to teaching in English. Our teacher for the Spring, 2020 session (starting March 1st-April 31st) is Jenny, a high school junior from a highschool in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Our lesson involves two components: phonics and reading. Our teacher will start with PPT presentations on phonics and then will read 1-2 books to students as a way to enforce the lessons taught.

Class time: Beijing time, every Sunday 9:00AM-10:00 AM

If you are interested in joining or gaining access to previous lessons, you may contact

If you are a do not speak Mandarin, we will be offering a session starting in late May that is taught in English.


评论内容 评论时间
非常好用,女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。商家回复:女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。 2015-07-08


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