Reading with purpose (1 on 2) 针对性阅读训练班
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Instructor: Jessie            

          Reading with Purpose is an English program launched in the second week of June, 2020 to provide students with online learning opportunities during the pandemic. With lessons taught by certified teachers, this class allows students to focus on developing and building on various reading skills. Facilitated through ZOOM, this program consists of various sessions that take place from mid-June to late August each of which consist of individual classes suited for students from grades 1 through 5. Taught with carefully selected class material, this class explores reading skills such as finding main ideas, writing summaries, and identifying various perspectives.

           针对性阅读训练班是2020年针对大温地区的1-5年级小学生的英语学习课程, 由加拿大UBC大学生授课。通过短片文章对于不同的阅读方法进行讲解和提升。课程的设置可以让孩子在学习时, 不感到枯燥乏味。我们致力于培养孩子的阅读兴趣, 采取问答式课堂让学习氛围更加轻松


评论内容 评论时间
非常好用,女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。商家回复:女朋友很喜欢,打的照片虽然有色差不过效果完全可以接受。 2015-07-08


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