How I created a notebook for vocabulary building
时间:2020-04-25 浏览次数:

How I created a notebook for vocabulary building

  1. Start with a lined notebooks

  2. Draw a line down around ½  of the page, dividing you page into a left and right column

  3. Write down the vocabulary in bullet form with a definition following it in the left side column

  4. Then use the right side for example sentences or for expanding your knowledge

  5. The right side may also be for pronunciation analysis etc.

Using this method, you will be able to expand your knowledge on the language that you are learning as you are involving more than just the memorization component and are engaging in trying to understand the language and looking for patterns. As with any method, this is just a way of learning that I found helpful which may not be efficient for you. However, you can always experiment with different methods or combine some of them to find one that suits you.

上一条:How to create the BEST todo list
下一条:All About Present Tense (现在式: 英语的基础时态)


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